New Caledonia
We use New Caledonia for the headlines on The Macro. Caledonia was designed by William A. Dwiggins in 1939 and originally appeared under the name Cornelia with the Mergenthaler typesetting machine factory in Berlin. Linotype reworked the typeface in 1982 and released it as New Caledonia. Caledonia ranks with Times New Roman as one of the most used book text faces.
Adrian Frutiger designed Avenir in 1988, after years of having an interest in sans serif typefaces. The word Avenir means 'future' in French and hints that the typeface owes some of its foundation to Futura. We use Avenir for the body copy mostly because Kevin thinks Avenir's 'a' is far superior to Futura's ball and stick interpretation.
Middleman was created by Thomas Reynolds in 2011. We use Middleman to generate The Macro as a static website. Middleman allows us to use a number of bells and whistles to speed up development of the site like minification, preprocessors and templating. With Middleman, we get to spend more time writing and less time wrestling software.