Fri · Jul 29

Hacker News Highlights

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Here are some of our favorite recent posts on Hacker News.

Excel: Error when CSV file starts with “I” and “D”

An original Excel programmer thinks a current bug may be his.

Visit the thread on Hacker News.

No grades, no timetable: Berlin school turns teaching upside down

A Sudbury School teacher from Baltimore comments on how Sudbury Schools work.

Visit the thread on Hacker News.

The Origins of the Domestic Blueberry

A HN user whose family owns a 50-acre pick-it-yourself blueberry farm outlines the changes that have happened as blueberries were commercially cultivated.

Visit the thread on Hacker News.

Ask HN: What did your 'Show HN' project turn into?

HN users recap how their projects turned out.

Visit the thread on Hacker News.

A Plan for a Long-Term Stock Exchange

The CEO of Shopify weighs in on taking his company public.

Visit the thread on Hacker News.

Ask HN: Considerations when asked to write a book?

The HN community weighs in with first-hand book publishing experiences.

Visit the thread on Hacker News.

In Memoriam: Roger Faulkner

ChuckMcM of IBM’s Watson group reflects on his time with Roger.

Visit the thread on Hacker News.

Ask HN: Insider history of the demise of Kodak?

Syzygies, whose father worked at Kodak, jumped in the thread.

Visit the thread on Hacker News.


Neonscribe on the origins of the unexec() function.

Visit the thread on Hacker News.

Building a software-defined radio from scratch

Lukas Lao Beyer, the radio’s creator, jumps in the thread.

Visit the thread on Hacker News.

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