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Here are some of our favorite recent posts on Hacker News.
Excel: Error when CSV file starts with “I” and “D”
An original Excel programmer thinks a current bug may be his.
No grades, no timetable: Berlin school turns teaching upside down
A Sudbury School teacher from Baltimore comments on how Sudbury Schools work.
The Origins of the Domestic Blueberry
A HN user whose family owns a 50-acre pick-it-yourself blueberry farm outlines the changes that have happened as blueberries were commercially cultivated.
Ask HN: What did your 'Show HN' project turn into?
HN users recap how their projects turned out.
A Plan for a Long-Term Stock Exchange
The CEO of Shopify weighs in on taking his company public.
Ask HN: Considerations when asked to write a book?
The HN community weighs in with first-hand book publishing experiences.
ChuckMcM of IBM’s Watson group reflects on his time with Roger.
Ask HN: Insider history of the demise of Kodak?
Syzygies, whose father worked at Kodak, jumped in the thread.
Neonscribe on the origins of the unexec() function.
Building a software-defined radio from scratch
Lukas Lao Beyer, the radio’s creator, jumps in the thread.
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